Friday, 10 September 2010

Analysis of a Movie Trailer - Step Up 3D

As research I decided to analyse the movie trailer the new film step up 3D. Throughout the entire trailer there is a variety of hip-hop dance songs from famous artists. I find it very telling that the names of the actors are not credited but the names of the singers who perform in the film are.
This is so they can market the film towards a generation that cares less about famous directors and more about chart-topping singer's. The title of the film does not appear on screen until right before the end. This is so the trailer is building up and building the audience is anticipation. It is also not as important to them to show the titles at the start because there has already been two step up films and the brand already has an established fan base.
Because this is a dancer on we see very little conversation in the trailer it is mostly rapid images of contemporary dance moves. These images mixed in with the hip-hop music advertises the film as being very youthful and passionate. There are lots of flashing lights giving the trailer and nightclub atmosphere which will be appealing to its teen audience. There isn't a voice-over but slogans appear on screen. For example at the beginning of the trailer the words 'it is time to step up' appear on screen this gives the audience a clue to what the film is about and helps to build anticipation. All of the shots and titles are cut together in time with the baseline of the music. The shots do not give away much of the narrative that they show a fast paced party like atmosphere similar to a music video. When the music does occasionally stop it allows the actors to say cheesy catchphrases like 'what he saw before is just the beginning' and 'everything you need to know is in the way I dance'. These quotes add to the passion of the film and tell the audience that this time the stakes are higher which might be the unique selling point for this particular dance film. Another unique selling point might be the fact that this is the first to step up film to be in 3-D. In the last frame of the trailer we are showing who directed and wrote the film. This tells me that the marketing team behind this film obviously thought that this information would not be an important selling points for the film. The last frame also tells us the website where you can download the soundtrack. This highlights once again that the soundtrack in many ways is more important than other aspects of the film.
In this case I think the trailer is more effective than the poster in making me want to see this film because as I've mentioned before the soundtrack is an important part of this film and also it gives you a strong sense of the dance aspect in this film. I would expect to see this trailer before seeing a wrong, or kids film because it is 3-D which normally attracts young children and the contemporary dance/party lifestyle atmosphere will appeal strongly to preteens. I also might expect to see this trailer on channels such as E4 or Nickelodeon because they both cater to a preteen audience.

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